Megan Jenifer-Harris
Mom to Maven | Teacher | Musician | Gatherer | Healer
Megan's purpose is to help people remember their power, recognize their greatness and maximize their life. She accomplishes this through the modalities below:
Music Education
For parents and institutions looking for violin, viola and cello lesson for the curious student. There are several options to choose from: Private in-home lessons, group classes, self-lead membership, online private coaching.
String Ensembles for Hire
Specializing in solo and small ensemble performances for intimate gatherings, special occasions, corporate events, hospitals and nursing homes. We believe music is healing and creates atmosphere for experiencing beauty and joy.
Life Coaching for Busy Moms
For the mom who wants to move beyond frumpy to fabulous. Who wants to make magic out everyday messes. Habit Strategy coaching is for you! Start with a FREE 3-day Mom to Maven Challenge.
Collaborations with wellness professionals and healing artists, producing impactful and memorable events for women and men who are ready to break free and break through.
Available for speaking engagements for teams, college campuses, heart-centered leaders, women's events, relationship panels, podcasts and more! For booking and to access speaker sheet, select "More Information."
Self-published author of How Ordinary People Attract Extraordinary Wealth: Lessons of Empowerment for the Average Person Who Wants More! How Do I Find My Purpose Workbook and 21 Day Mommy Reset.
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